What a year we had. Why not start this blog off with some numerology? I've always been into algebra based math and numbers. I'm the kind of person who looks at clocks and addresses as I walk down the street trying to come up with as many mathematical combinations as possible. The Number 27 is an important one to me:

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The Overview

I promise we will get back to The Number 27. This year was by far one of the hardest for me to reach my goals. I have always been great at goal setting throughout my life. Of course reaching your goals isn't always necessary; you learn the most from the journey, but sometimes it is even hard to tolerate the journey. My goals in 2016 were:

Be The Human Not The Hero
I really was leaning on my fellow humans this year to work on this one together. It goes without saying that this did not happen systematically. The election environment was beyond toxic. After the election people did come together, but the hate continues. Even groups gathered with good intentions are still screaming polarizing slurred speech. I never try to be the hero and wish others would stop trying to be the hero. JUST BE HUMAN.

Work Smarter Not Harder (or more)
This was a goal I did manage to master. While most would still balk at my 50+ hour work week, I was able to learn how to orchestrate it to keep stress levels lower. Having an office starting in February helped tremendously as work became more accessible and comfortable. I love my little office!  It is amazing how much larger of an impact you can have when running efficiently. These skills I will carry into 2017. 

 Do what's right, good, and improves the world (it pays off)
I don't even know where to start with this one. I have to give myself credit because I showed an immense amount of tenacity this past year. I took on projects and problems that I literally had no idea how to fix, but was committed to figuring it out. This brings me back to The Number 27.

Bring on the number 27

I will never forget the first time I pulled "27" out of my back pocket. I was in the car with my mom and dad in my late teen years. I used it as a random quantity, you know when you are intentionally exaggerating. My mom turned back and said, "really 27 Domenica?" To which I replied 'yes mom 27 is my random number.' 

People who have known me for a while inevitably have heard me use it. The most popular and most well known numerology is 11:11, but 27 has come up for me far more. I know I might lose people at this point because they think i'm a whack job, but I encourage you to keep reading because the message is genuine and true. I am going to stay away from the major "news" events of the year and focus on my year.

The start of my year was mainly characterized by hard work. My birthday was fabulous this year. I got to celebrate the one year anniversary of my first born MaberMe, Inc. and had a smashing birthday party with the people I love. I felt stable, loved, valued and even cherished at times. I had a minor health snafu, but challeneged myself to keep moving forward.

I have many amazing friends who literally take care of me; from reminding me to eat lunch or taking me to the doctor (or threatening me so i'll go). It is actually very difficult to find selfless and genuine people. People who have a calling to service and are defined by their passion to make change. Amidst the chaotic last 4-5 years where we all experienced turbulent astrology and weird times, I have two important human guardian angels to mention here:

This is where things start to get weird. Walking down the street after speaking on a panel, Peter turns to me as his incredibly enthusiastic self and drops a 27. 'What? 27 is my random number, you can't have it.' How on earth does someone pull out 27 as their "random" number (I know it's not totally random for you Peter shhh)? Weirdness aside, there is a significance here. It didn't take long for me to feel like we were definitely "cut from the same cloth." I can't really say enough about this guy, he's incredibly inspiring and it's hard to even understand how he has accomplshed so much at such a young age. I hope everyone has the opportunity to find their true companions in life. Not just a husband or wife, the traditional definition of a life partner, but those people who you literally feel like you've known for many lifetimes. It is so hard for me to explain! Which brings me to my next 27:

Amended: I had always associated Wayne's birth day with the 27th, but was corrected that that is when we celebrate Wayne's birthday because of his attachment to the number 27! Wayne represents  all that The Number 27 holds. Wayne took me in five years ago when I felt pretty alone. I had newly moved back to Petaluma, was single, and really didn't know anyone. He's responsible for me meeting many of the friends I still have now and also for inspiring me to start my original social media marketing company. A true gift from god, whatever you conceive her to be, Wayne has helped keep me upright all these years even during period when we don't see each other. People are so important in life. Only for Wayne would I wear a red wig!

When the going gets tough

July 27, 2016 was my parents' wedding anniversary and the night of a first date. More importantly and somewhat unannounced to me was it marked the beginning of a significant self discovery and ascension period for me. It was peppered by terrifying nightmares, waking up every morning at 3:30am, and a palpable inner turmoil. I didn't know what was wrong and how to fix it. I was so violently angry, but it was buried within the deepest corners of my soul.

Devastating things occurred nationally and internationally during my ascension making it borderline unbearable.  This also suggested to me that many others were being thrown into their own ascension period; some took it on and many others did not. I was lucky to have to support of several people during that time.

It wasn't until December that my physical body started to suffer. My kidneys which I have had issues with in the past weren't running 100%. I was at my chiropractor, a true healer when the truth started to surface. With one hand on my tummy and the other on my back he had a physical recoil, "you are very angry." He moved one hand over my heart and continued, "you aren't angry in your heart, you have buried it so deep down, what are you so angry about?" And I didn't have an answer. Why was I so angry?

Later that day, literally laying down between two chairs in my office, it hit me. I violently started to cry and shake holding the scream in. There it was, my anger. I was angry because I was sexually assaulted when I was 15; I was angry for being used and abused throughout my life; I was angry for having to work 100x harder than men for the same recognition (if any); I was angry that we elected a president who will for 4 years remind me of this; I was so angry. 

Of course I had to pull it together to continue with my day. Later that night came the break-up, the emotion, and all the extreme sadness that is a byproduct of my anger. I sat late that night, in my meditation space in my room with my head gently settled on the floor. Suddenly like drowning I lost all my breath for a split second, but enough time to throw my body into a physical response. And I woke up. I woke up from all of it; the nightmare I had been carrying with me for 16 years. It was suddenly, gone. I'm still mending my physical body after the almost 6 months of internal abuse, but my soul is more uplifted than it has ever been.

I don't like mentioning specific people because I don't want anyone to feel forgotten. If I interacted with you at all this year, you had an impact. There are some people I must mention:

My adoptive family: 
who literally opened up his home to me when I was lost and who physically took care of me while I was down for a couple months. Coincidently Nathan's dad's random number is 27.
Mitch, who opened up his family to me and has done so much for me this past year. Love you big bro!
The Muchows, Jeff and Terri treat me like their own kid which is amazing and warms my heart.
Dany,  who is always looking after me and probably will beat your ass if you do me wrong.
Jen and Joe, who have opened up your home and provided with me so many awesome times accented with bubbles!

The Entourage:
Sahar and Anjali
, were my female voices of reason and huge source of that much needed girly time over the past year.
The Santa Rosa Crew, you all know who you are! It has been years, but always amazing and I especially love my ladies and all the support over the last year!
Brandon, Love you and thank you for inevitably taking on less than desirable energy while staying supportive.
Manu, Gianna, and Elysha, I lump you together because you are some of my soul sisters! No matter how much time passes you are always in my heart and mind!
Dae, just...so fierce...
Mike and Michael (Harris and Regan), always looking out for me and checking in. It truly means the world!
The Tribe, I have to call out the entire Hopland Band and employees. Working with you has been by far one of the best environments throughout my career!

And of course my biological family. Always have been there when I needed it. Love you all. So what is my goal for 2017? Be a 27. 

Me and my wife have been married 27 years, and she gets coffee delivered everyday. I love her
— Christmas Eve, 2016